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Yallafollow.com - Gain Followers and Boost Your Account


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Below are some frequently asked questions our support team have picked out, please be sure to read this page before contacting our support team.
  • What is Yallafollow Panel?:

  • Yallafollow panel is an online store that sells followers, likes, views and almost everything in-between, under the current market rate, meaning you're getting these services for almost 90% cheaper than other websites.
  • Are services on your panel safe to order?:

  • Yes of course! Yallafollow guarantees your social media accounts wont be exposed to any kind of risk while using our panel, you wont get banned or restricted in any way.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?:

  • Usually orders are delivered within 0-3hours from purchase but please allow up to 24hours for your order to start. If there are still issues open a ticket with your order id and your issue, and we will refund the amount to your account.
  • How can i add funds to my account?:

  • You can add funds by any of the methods which you can find in the "Add funds" page. We accept all major payment methods: Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Discover, PayPal, Payoneer, Perfect Money, and etc...
  • How can i contact support?:

  • There are multiple ways you can contact our support team, the easiest way would be to talk to one of our agents by using our Live Chat feature at the bottom right hand side of your screen. If you prefer a different way you can simply create a support ticket by clicking here, and wait for a staff member to assist you.
  • Why was my order cancelled?:

  • There are multiple reasons why your order may have been cancelled. The most common reasons are the following: Invalid page link, profile is private, invalid increment. If none of these answer your question feel free to contact support.
  • If an order is cancelled do i get a refund?:

  • Yes, all cancelled orders are automatically refunded to your account so no need to worry about losing your funds.
  • What does processing mean?:

  • When an order status is set to "processing" it means your order is in stage 1 of our 4 stage delivery process. During this time, our servers are ensuring all links are verified and going through a list of technical procedures to ensure there are no issues with the information received so we can deliver the order successfully. Of course sometimes customers identify bugs for example their order is marked as completed but they havent received anything, if you face any issues like these be sure to report it to a staff member so we can investigate the service and provide an update / fix as soon as possible. This processing stage can typically take a few hours but varies to different services, in some cases this stage may take longer than usual and may need a manual review by a member of staff.
  • What does pending mean?:

  • The "pending" status is stage 2 of our 4 stage delivery process. When an order status is set to "pending" it means the order has passed our security procedures and is verified for delivery, during this stage our system places your order in our queue where it stands by for delivery. This stage usually takes 0-3 hours but greatly depends on the overall demand for that perticular service, if there is high demand for the service used your order may be placed in our queue for a long time, unfortunitely there is nothing we can do about this and we suggest you simply wait.
  • What does partial mean?:

  • The "pending" status is stage 2 of our 4 stage delivery process. When an order status is set to "pending" it means the order has passed our security procedures and is verified for delivery, during this stage our system places your order in our queue where it stands by for delivery. This stage usually takes 0-3 hours but greatly depends on the overall demand for that perticular service, if there is high demand for the service used your order may be placed in our queue for a long time, unfortunitely there is nothing we can do about this and we suggest you simply wait.
  • What is a mass order?:

  • Use the mass order option when you need to place multiple orders at the same time.
  • What is Drip-feed?:

  • Drip-feed is a powerful tool that allows you to build the engagement slower, depending on your desired speed. For example, if you want 1000 likes on your post, you can portion this quantity to make it all look seamless: 100 likes/day for 10 days, as an option.
  • Need more help?

    Contact Support